The quadratus lumborum muscle is located on the posterior abdominal wall, on both sides of the spine. The medial aspect of the quadratus lumborum muscle is the psoas major muscle, and the posterior aspect is the erector spinae muscle. How to train the quadratus lumborum muscle? You can train the quadratus lumborum muscle through barbell seated rotation, plank support, swimming push-up and other movements. So, what are the exercises to train the quadratus lumborum muscle? Let’s learn how to train the quadratus lumborum muscle together!
Barbell Seated Twist
Sit on one end of the stool with your feet flat On the ground and comfortably apart. Hold a straight bar across the back of your shoulders and hold both ends of it with both hands. Keeping your head still and making sure your pelvis doesn't slide on the bench, slowly turn your upper body and shoulders in one direction as far as you can. Then, hold the extreme position for a while, then let your torso and shoulders rotate as far as possible in the other direction. Keep the entire movement under your control, rather than just swaying your body haphazardly. This move contracts the obliques without using additional resistance, so it keeps them tight without adding extra bulk and thickening your waist.
Keep your head, upper back, and hips in a straight line. The elbows are directly under the shoulders, and the back is supported by the toes. Tighten your buttocks and abdomen.
Swimming push-up
Lie prone, stretch your body, and fully extend your legs and arms to all sides. Lengthen your spine, extend your arms, and keep your shoulders and legs slightly off the floor. Tighten the abdomen and buttocks, keep the neck and spine in a straight line, slowly raise the left hand and right leg, return to the horizontal line, switch to the right hand and raise the left leg, and always keep the legs and hands on the ground to exercise the back muscles Group\hip.
Lie prone and stand up from both ends
Lie on your stomach completely relaxed, arms straight above your head , straighten your legs. When you inhale, lift your arms and legs up and off the ground at the same time. Control it a little and then slowly exhale and relax.
Keep your head, upper back, and buttocks in a straight line, tighten your abdomen and buttocks, place your elbows directly below, and support your back with your toes.
Swimming push-up
This action cannot be done with explosive force. Instead, you must slowly let the abdominal muscles exert force to drive the arms and legs up. In addition, be careful not to tilt your head back hard, but to lift it along with your upper body.