Advanced muscle building techniques: continuous tension method

Advanced muscle building techniques: continuous tension method!

In bodybuilding training, in order to get more tension in the muscles and get more pumping sensations, there is an advanced training technique that I believe everyone does not know. If you are unfamiliar, that is the continuous tension training method!

Continuous tension: Always maintain muscle tension during movements and never relax for a moment. This training method will give your muscles more tension stimulation. Come help your muscles grow better!

Today we are going to introduce to you a great continuous tension training program that can be used in various parts of the body to help you obtain stronger muscle stimulation. !

The technique is as follows: use unilateral training movements, with the target muscle on one side in a peak contraction state, and perform regular one-handed training on the other side!

For example, bicep curl:

Traditional dumbBell alternating curl (at the beginning of the movement, because the muscles are in a stretched state and are easily relaxed while waiting for the other arm to move. It is impossible to maintain continuous tension!

The solution to taking advantage of the value of sustained tension, isometric contractions, and unilateral movements is to start at the top when performing alternating curls.

Keep the biceps under tension so that the non-target arm is still contracted (isometrically contracted) while waiting to do the curl.

Increase the muscle under tension. The time (TUT) allows your muscles to get better stimulation

Bent over rowing

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1. Hold the dumbbells in both hands and straighten them naturally, lie prone on the training bench, the angle of the training bench is less than 45 degrees!

2. Straighten one hand naturally, activate the back muscles of the other hand to pull the dumbbell up to the side of the abdomen, then stop, and start the same one-handed process with the other hand Rowing action, stay at the top of the action, alternate hands